ETI Grand Est Club - Partenaire CAR Avenue

ETI Grand Est Club

CAR Avenue is an active member of the Club des ETI Grand Est

CAR Avenue is an active member of the Club des ETI* (Entreprises de Taille Intermédiaire )

*ISE = Intermediate-Sized Enterprises) Grand Est


CAR Avenue is involved in the Club des ETI Grand Est, in order to work in partnership with the Grand Est and the Public Authorities on territorial issues and topics such as:

- Training / recruitment

- Attractiveness / visibility

- Innovation / digital transformation

- Transport / mobility

Alongside other emblematic family businesses in the Grand-Est : Mephisto, FM Logistic, Clairefontaine, Lingenheld, Demathieu and Bard...


About ISEs

The category of intermediate-sized enterprises, created by the 2008 law on modernisation of the economy, is ten years old.

Since 2008, the "ETI brand" has gradually emerged in the public economic debate. It has made it possible to:

- Highlight the weight of ISEs in the economy and their contribution to employment and investment in the territories;

- To underline the French deficit of ISEs compared to our main European neighbours and the main anomaly of our economic fabric. This observation is today unanimously shared;

- Contribute to making the increase in the number of ISEs and the ambition of a French-style "Mittelstand" a new horizon for the country's economic policy.


At the national level, intermediate-sized enterprises are a real strategic asset for the economy.


- The ISEs represent a key link in French and European economic development. They place business performance and innovation at the service of social cohesion and local and sustainable utility.

- Of the 3,000 companies identified by INSEE as driving the French economy and accounting for 75% of French Added Value, investment and exports, 2,030 are ISEs.

- The most intensively invested category with an investment rate of 27% vs. 18% for SMEs (Small and medium-Sized Enterprises), ISEs are actively creating jobs (+ 335,000 net jobs created between 2008 and 2016). Over-represented in the manufacturing industry (38% of intermediate-sized enterprises are industrial), they make a powerful contribution to French exports, of which they represent 34%.


The Club des ETI Grand Est 

The Grand Est Region has decided to create a shared economic development strategy aimed at boosting economic growth and business competitiveness in order to create jobs in the region.

With the creation of the ETI Grand Est Club, the region intends to fluidify and accelerate discussions between its services and the ISEs, notably with a view to the emergence of regional champions and to participate in the creation of a powerful network of companies based on the model of the German Mittelstand.

" To give desire and make people grow "

The ETI Grand Est Club brings together business leaders who wish to get involved in structuring a network of growth ISEs and SMEs throughout the Region. This initiative aims to create an interface of dialogue for the Region and the leaders of the ISEs, in order to involve them in the co-construction of public policies in the Grand Est.

The Club's areas of work

4 work sites embody the partnership between the Grand Est and the Club. Each of them is co-piloted by an ISE leader and a representative of the regional council.

Find all the news of the Club des ETI Grand Est by visiting this link :